Notifications at Hugo follow insurance regulations unique to your state. This means that we're required, by law, to send you various alerts about your insurance balance.
If you're paying with Auto Reload: We'll send you text and email reminders one day before your account is scheduled to reload. When your account reloads, we'll send you success notifications as well as a receipt.
If your Auto Reload payment fails for any reason, we'll send you a notification immediately and unsubscribe you from Auto Reload. You'll have 24 hours from the time your payment fails to add money to your account, or cancel your insurance coverage.
If you don't add money or cancel your insurance, you'll enter warning period. How does warning period work?
If you're paying at your own pace: If you don't use Auto Reload and choose to make payments manually, then you can schedule your insurance to cancel before your account is empty.
We'll send you text and email notifications when your account balance is running low to remind you (1) the exact date and time your account will hit empty and (2) when you have scheduled your insurance to cancel.
To keep your insurance active, simply add money to your account before it hits empty.